Manual Boost Controller Adjusting Knob

Forget to tighten down the lock nut on your Twos R Us MBC and found that it had rattled out…

5SFE/Gen2 3SGTE Thermostat Gasket

OEM Thermostat Gasket for the 5SFE and Gen2 3SGTE engines. Use with the 3SGTE/5SFE Thermostat.…

CT series Turbo Water Pipe Gasket

OEM Toyota CT Series Turbocharger (CT15/20/26) Turbo water pipe gasket. Two required, sold individually.…

Toyota 4 Cylinder Oil Filter

Toyota FO-10 Oil filter - this is the one that fits everything! 4AGE, 4AGZE, 5SFE, 3SGTE, 1ZZFE, 2ZZGE, etc. Don't…

3SFE/5SFE Fuel Injector O Rings

1991-99 Toyota MR2 NA Fuel Injector O-ring Kit Each kit contains:
4 orings Replace your worn out or leaking O-rings with a brand…

Gen2 3SGTE Turbo Oil Pipe Banjo Bolt Gasket

OEM Toyota Gen2 3SGTE Turbo oil pipe banjo bolt gasket (2 required, sold individually).…

Gen 2 3SGTE 'Hose From Hell'

Water by-pass hose No. 6, commonly referred to as the 'Hose from Hell' due to its location behind the turbocharger.…

Gen2 3SGTE Oil Pump Gasket

OEM Oil pump to block gasket for the Gen2 3SGE/GTE engines.…

CRW Gen2/3 3SGTE Distributor Plug/Pin kit

Repair your broken distributor plug with this kit. Includes a new plug, four wiring pins and four weatherproof sealing…

3SGTE Oil Pump Seal

OEM seal that goes around the shaft of the oil pump (behind the belt driven gear). If your oil…

ARP Assembly Lube

1.69oz tube of ARP assembly lube.…

Gen2 3SGTE/4A Camshaft Oil Seal

OEM Cam seal for the Gen2 3SGTE and 4AGE/GZE engines. Fits intake and exhaust cams. Priced PER SEAL. If…

3SGE/GTE Front main seal

OEM Front Main seal (seals the crankshaft where it exits the block through the oil pump housing). Always a…

3SGTE Fuel Injector O Rings

1991-99 Toyota MR2 Turbo Fuel Injector O-ring Kit Each kit contains..
4 replacement orings for P/N 9301-14006
4 replacement orings for P/N 9301-17007 Replace…

CRW Gen2/3 3SGTE Distributor Plug/Pigtail kit

Repair your broken distributor plug with this kit. Includes a new plug with wires pre-installed for easy splicing into…

Gen2 3SGTE Timing Belt Tensioner Install Kit

If you've ever tried to replace the timing belt on a 3S-GTE, you know that lining up the tensioner bolts…

Peformance Gold Premium Oil Filter

K&N Premium Wrench-Off? Oil Filters Originally developed for demanding auto race applications, this premium automotive oil filter is rapidly becoming a…

Valve Cover Bolt Set

The stock valve cover bolts on the 3S-GTE engine have a Phillips head and are very difficult to tighten to…

Toyota Seal Packaging (FIPG)

Not your ordinary RTV! Toyota Form In Place Gasket (FIPG, often pronounced 'fippage') is the OEM sealant called out in the…

3SGTE Oil Pump O Ring

OEM O ring that goes between the two parts of the oil pump casing. If your oil pump is…

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