Short Shift Lowering PlateInstalled on my 93 NA. Relatively easy to install and made my shifting feel like a hot knife through butter! ...

JonO/RSe Short Shift Combo PackBought my 87 N/A, waxed it and installed this with the 93+ shift lever. It works amazing, sits perfectly low, ...

MKII MR2 T-Top Sunshade Replacement KnobA truly fantastic product. Just like Toyota makes, except Toyota doesn't seem inclined to make them. Exact copies of the ...

MKI MR2 Polyurethane Engine Mount InsertsInstalled these - was pretty easy besides getting the stock inserts out. Grab a flathead and a hammer and go ...

Koni Sport Adjustable Strut Inserts - ST185 FrontThese struts are excellent! I have them set at 1/2 turn out of 2 turns for full hard. It is ...

JonO/RSe Short Shift Combo PackI've had this (short shift kit, aluminum base plate bushings, brass transmission bushings) in my '93 JDM T for about ...

    0 items

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