excellent job matching the tan color dave. great product. couldnt be happier.
My door handle bezels were cracked due to the previous owner going all hulk with the screws. Ordered these in blue and when they arrived I compared them with my stock blue bezels and they were exactly alike, color tone, texture, and all. Couldn't be more happy.
Perfect color match, high quality reproduction. Buying another since my passenger side has cracked, now.
Like the other reviews, my bezels were also cracked by one (or more) of my Two's POs. All that's available from Toyota now are bezels in black and, before I discovered that TwosRUs had reproduction ones in the right color, I bought a set with the intention of trying to paint them. After discovering these, I ordered a set and they arrived today - and they're PERFECT. Dave's service is always fast and problem-free, and TwosRUs is a HUGE asset to the MR2 Community.
Well worth replacing. Perfect fit, and no unsightly cracks. Another great reproduction keeping my Mr. 2 looking young.
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