MR2 Only, Issue 21

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Spring is in the air, T-tops and rag tops have already been off, and excitement is stirring within the owners? clubs about the oncoming shows for the summer of 2010, and many new or rejuvenated winter MR2 projects are landing in our feature request in box, I?ve a good feeling about this year!

And so onto our issue in hand and the delights within, starting with three stunning Spyders, Roadsters, Mk3s whatever you call them in your part of the world. Three totally different beasts, firstly there is Marvin?s cover featured Veilside Hass Turbo kitted Mk3, which is surely enough to make the most diehard of Mk2 owners crumble. For a bit of eye candy we also feature Miika?s unique custom kitted bright orange Mk3 which is quite a head turner, literally. Last but not least we have Karl?s 1ZZ TRD supercharged Mk3, a stunning Spyder portraying stock looks, with a 234 whp sting in its tail

Mk2s we have MR2OCs Lezz Whitehouse?s freshly kitted and painted 300bhp capable Revision 3 sporting a whole new look for the 2010 show season.

From way up North we feature Andy Lee?s subtly styled 96 MR2 that somehow just seems to stand out on the club forums, and just goes to show that it?s not all about MR2 Turbos!

Also from down under, we feature Aussie Elvis fan Sharne Osbornes who in a quest to create the perfect MR2 audio install and a heartfelt tail with a twist has indeed ?followed that dream?.

And finally onto a Mk1(.5) that will give any Turbo?d Mk2 or Mk3 a run for its money we have Dan?s wide arched 3SGTE swapped Mk1 Turbo, a car we spotted during last year?s Bear Mountain coverage.

As ever we feature our newly titled MR2 Race Round up, encompassing reports and information from all of the series. MR2 Racing season is hotting up with a couple of new series, we even made it along to the first two TSS rounds to show our support and see what it?s all about in preparation for our own involvement possibly for round 4.

Our own projects are coming along nicely, 2 out of 3 of them are almost running perfectly and spruced up for showtime, although the Mk1 is still in pieces with the replacement 4AGE engine stripped down ready to remove the head to be skimmed and rebuilt with new parts.

Show and event season is coming, we?ll be at Japfest, Japshows, and JAE as well as a few other meets. One notable event for your diary is Saturday May 22nd Roadster Owner Club Ding day hosted at Demon Tweeks in Wrexham, opened up to all marques of MR2, a great chance to get any annoying dints fixed and enjoy generous discounts within the store.

A big thanks goes to our newly appointed Sub Editor, Mark Thorpe for this particular issue of MR2 Only Magazine, who has been a tower of strength taking some of the pressure off myself during the setting up of the new Toyota Performance Magazine. You?re doing a grand job fella, much appreciated!

We also add a new member to your team, our new ?Man in Japan? MR2 owning Anthony Pedwell, who?ll be sending us regular writeups and photos of MR2s from the motherland.