4AGE/GZE Distributor Seal Repair kit


Product may vary slightly from image representation.
Fits 4AGE and 4AGZE distributors.

Kit includes:

Cap to Body seal
Inner oil seal (not available from the dealer)
Outer oil seal
Spring pin for reassembly of distributor
New shaft bearing

What our customers say...

Fantastic product from KBox. Toyota won\'t sell you a kit like this, they want you to buy a new distributor. Keep your hard earned cash in your pocket, buy this kit and fix that leaky distributor.

Rated by Paul Frazier

Another great product from twosrus. Distributor looks brand new! Thank you!

Rated by Yosefu Hauge

This kit and the re-timing of my engine afterward has created the most noticeable difference out of all of the repairs I have done on my '85 4AGE. No more oil leaking, the engine purrs because the timing is finally perfect, much better acceleration and I get an extra 25 miles per tank than before, even driving fast. Warning! If you have never done a job like this, it is worth learning. BUT, unless you have all the tools, it is a very difficult job. The most important tool that I didn't have is a puller for the main 2 seals on the shaft. Do it the right way the first time or you will be cursing your life, trust me. I used a dremel to cut off the shaft seals; don't do that! You risk scoring the shaft. Padandwheels.com has a great guide. http://www.padandwheels.com/mr2/dizzyoring/dizzyoring.html http://www.padandwheels.com/mr2/timing/timing.html Finally, don't just stick the rebuilt dizzy back into the engine and hope you got it right, line everything up to top dead center by the book so you can do a perfect timing. You'll love what it will do for your engine.

Rated by Russell Moran

This kit is great!! Saved money without a doubt! Its so easy to install.

Rated by Omar Rosario

Wow! This inexpensive kit can save you hundreds! Even at the dealership they don't rebuild the distributors. It comes with all seals you will need, and an extra seal for the male connector coming off the distributor as well. Money well spent, that's for sure!

Rated by Randy Johnson